Saturday, July 7, 2012

Into the Woods

It's a dangerous endeavor, but the only thing to do. Though it's fearful. Though it's deep, though it's dark. And though you may lose your path. Though you may encounter wolves. You mustn't stop, you mustn't swerve. You mustn't ponder, you have to act. When you know your wish. If you want your wish. You can have your wish. No, to get your wish. You go into the woods where nothing's clear. Where witches, ghosts and wolves appear. Into the woods and through the fear. You have to take the journey. Into the woods and down the dell. In vain, perhaps, but who can tell? ~Into the Woods

Into the woods is one of my favorite musicals ever! I love the message it teaches. As I'm getting ready to head off to college, I had a realization. (hence the lyrics, they have a purpose I promise!) Honestly, I don't think I am ready to move out and be independant. Sure it's an exciting time, but the longest away I have been from home. Without my family, has been a week. I'm not used to paying my own expenses, not used to cooking for myself, or even doing my own laundry. It's going to be different. But different is good, I would much rather deal with this now than when I get married. Even though I don't feel ready for it, I'm heading into the woods to take the journey. It'll be good for me. I know  for a fact that, I couldn't do it without my best friends or the awesome roommates I feel so close to already. Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it! 

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